May 12, 2010

Preparing for a New Kitten

Himalayan Kitten Care

Himalayan kittens and cats are the most sought-after domesticated animals the world over. Himalayan kittens are excellent furry friends for anyone, and are always affectionate animals. Just like all other furry companions, cats require loving care. This care is usually very easy, as cats are fairly independent creatures. The pet grooming that cats need is normally pretty basic, because cats are very self-maintained. This is not to say that they don't need any grooming at all, just that they often don't require a lot of work as far as grooming and cleaning goes. Cat are one of the best companion animals for most people who are willing to have a long-term relationship with another creature. There are a few things that you will need to take into consideration if you are thinking about buying or adopting a kitten or cat.

To begin, before you get a cat, you should understand that they live to be often more than twelve years old - so you will be taking care of him or her for their whole life. There are many things that could possibly cause your cat to need some veterinary attention over it's lifetime. The majority of these things are not a big deal, such as fleas and colds. Should the need for a trip to the vet arise, make sure that you stay calm, your kitty knows when you're worried, and if you're panicking, she will, too.

It must always be your top priority as a animal owner to be positive that your kitten is being taken care of With that understanding, you should start considering what cat or kitten chow you feed your cat. The kind of cat chow you give her most likely should not be a bargain brand. Instead, consider researching which brands and types of food are best for the age and breed of your Persian cat. It is your hope that your cat is always happy and healthy. If you make sure that they are given the best care and food, you will have many happy years to spend with your kitten

In addition, while cat attitude problems change over time, it is necessary to be aware that each issue can be overcome with training and patience. Owning a Himalayan or Persian cat can be a wonderful and rewarding experience. No matter what the obstacle, press on! Loving life with a Persian cat by your side is a great way to live!

Shannon McGraw owns Meow House cattery, while small in the quantity kittens that are raised each year, it is big in love for her cats. She offers Himalayan kittens and has many different and highly sought after including black Persian kittens

Himalayan Cat Ownership

Preparing for a New Cat

Persian cats are the most cherished animals in the world. Persians and Himalayans make wonderful companions for all kinds of people, and are always lovable animals. Like all pets, cats require a good amount of maintenance. This care is usually pretty easy, as cats are almost completely independent animals. The kitten care and grooming that is required for dogs or other higher-maintenance animals is not normally required for felines. This doesn't mean that they don't need to be played with and loved, they just don't have to be bathed much or cleaned up after very often. Cats are very rewarding pets and companions for every age group, from young children to the elderly. There are certain things that you will need to know about and be prepared for when considering getting a cat.

To start off, owning a cat is a long-term commitment that cannot be taken lightly. There are many things that could possibly cause your cat to need some veterinary attention over it's lifetime. The majority of these things are not a big deal, like colds and ticks. If your cat does get sick, or you think that you need to take her to the vet, you should always remain calm, your cat can sense how you're feeling about a situation - if you're panicked, she is likely to panic as well.

The health and happiness of your Persian or Himalayan cat should be the most important aspect of owning him. With that understanding, you must start taking into consideration what kitten or cat food you will feed to your Himalayan cat. The quality of the food she eats is of great importance to her overall health. Be positive that you choose a kind of cat food that will give her body all the necessary vitamins and nutrients. Remember that you want your cat to have the most vigorous and healthy life possible. With the proper care and sustenance, that can happen.

On a final note, while cat attitude problems vary widely, it is necessary to be aware that each problem can be dealt with with patience and training. Being the proud owner of a lovely Persian cat is a rewarding experience that cannot be more fun! Just sit back and enjoy the years of companionship and love with your gorgeous cat! is a small cattery, while small in the amount of kittens that are raised each year, it is big in care and love for her cats. She offers Persian kittens for sale and has many different and preferred kittens including blue Persian kittens

May 5, 2010

Giant Dog House for Large Dogs

Do you have a large dog? Do you feel that your dog needs enough space and the ordinary dog houses available in the market are not fit for your dog? So what you need is a giant dog house where your pet can stretch, move and snuggle up as it lay down. A giant dog house provides a dog with enough space to do all these activities.

However finding a good giant dog house is quite difficult. If you don’t get any nice option for your larger breed in your area the best thing to do is to go online. Online stores offer endless options and you are sure to locate one or the other dog house that meets the requirement of your pet.

A ready made giant dog house will cost you much less than a customized one. But if you feel the available options are not good enough for your pet you can get a custom built version. Though it will take some time, the end product will be just perfect. If you are not bothered about the cost a custom build giant dog house is undoubtedly the best shelter for your pet.

Giant dog houses are ideal for larger breeds like Great Dane. In most cases the dog houses are 50” high, 45” wide and 45” deep. So a large dog can stay inside such a dog house with ease.

Make sure that the dog house has proper ventilation system so that it doesn’t become suffocating for your dog. It is your responsibility to ensure your dog’s safety, good health and comfort and a giant dog house is ideal for a comfortable stay.

For more details please see

Apr 13, 2010

Useful Tips For Cleaning Cat Urine at Home

There are over 75 million cats in the USA and all cat owners know that urine stains and odor are a big problem.

When cats urinate for physiological elimination, they do it on horizontal or flat surfaces, e.g. the ground of the litter box. When they use their urine to mark their territory, cats spray on vertical surfaces. In both cases the urine may come in contact with a carpet or some furniture.

The urine of cats is of amber color, it is a waste fluid that is excreted by the kidney and contains waste products from the cat's metabolism. The color and odor of the urine, as well as its staining potential, depend on the food the cat consumes, its age, sex, and health condition, etc.

The urine of older cats contains more plasma proteins but less uric acephalia, so it is less likely to leave stains on the carpet but its odor will be stronger.

Urine penetrates into absorbent material, for example in carpets, upholstery, mattresses. The surface of such material can be clean very well but it is very difficult to clean the inside. Odor and stain often remain even after a thorough cleaning. The following guideline may help you eliminate the odor of cat's urine.

Cleaning cat urine from the carpet

Cleaning urine from the carpet is one of the most difficult tasks for cat owners. Here are some things you can do in case your cat has urinated on the carpet.

The first thing you should do is to soak up the urine as much as possible. Use a soft, clean cloth or absorbent paper and press down without rubbing for about 30 seconds. The removal of fresh urine before it dries will makes it easier to clean and to remove the odor afterwards. Once the "accident zone" is dry, rinse it with clean water. Then, blot up as much of the water as possible. After that there are several things to do:

1. Baking soda is effective for elimination of surface odors. Get the area wet with water and sprinkle baking soda on it. Rub the soda into the carpet and let it dry. Then remove the dry material by brushing or vacuuming it.

2. Put together a quart of warm water and half a cup of white vinegar. Apply the mixture on the urine stain, put dry towels on the stain and place a heavy object over the towels to increase the pressure. Leave it for a few hours and then remove the towels.

3. Old or heavy stains are best removed with extractors or wet-vacuum cleaner machines. Force the clean water into the carpet and then force back the dirty water out. Do not use chemicals with these machines, as they are more effective with clean water.

4. You can also try a combination of Listerine mouthwash and water/peroxide mixture. It is very effective for elimination of the odor.

5. A new way to clean cat urine from the carpet is the usage of peroxide or detergents. Spray the stained area with a product that consists of a 3% hydrogen peroxide. Wait for about five minutes and use a clean absorbent cloth and blot the aria by pressing down without rubbing for about 30 second. Repeat the same until the area is dry.

After you clean the soiled area very well, you should use a per odor neutralizer. They are available at per supply stores.

In case the soiled area still looks stained after the cleaning, neutralizing and drying, then you should apply a special stain and odor removing bacteria/enzyme cleaner, for example "Outright Pet Stain Eliminator," "Pet 'Oops' Remover," or "Stain Gobbler".

Cleaning cat urine from the upholstery

You should use a soft, clean white cloth or absorbent paper. In case the usage of solvents is required, do not apply them on the stain, but pour them on a clean cloth. Use circular motion to clean the stain and work from the outside inwards. Dry the area immediately after cleaning it. You can use a hairdryer to do this but remember to use the cool setting. The air stream should be directed towards the outside of the area and then inwards. Always use soft brushes and rub the surface gently.

Cleaning cat urine from hardwood floors

Cat urine can damage a hardwood floor and can cause rotting. Here is what you can do to deal with the odor and to prevent serious damages.

You should soak up the wet area immediately with towels. Then, wash the area with white vinegar. You may have to repeat the washing several times. After that you should rinse the floor with warm water and dry it with paper towels. In the end, apply a special stain and odor removing bacteria/enzyme cleaner.

When you use such products you should read the instructions carefully and follow them strictly. Always test the products in an invisible area to see how they work.

You should be very careful about urine odor and attack the problems as soon as possible. You should remove the odor completely because if there are any traces left, the cat will urinate on the same spot again.

Please visit our cat furniture shop, where you can show how much you love your cat by giving them the gift that they always have wanted like cat condos, gyms, towers, houses and much more.

Do You Know How to Stop Your Cat From Spraying Urine?

Spraying urine is one of the main problems a cat owner has to deal with. Cats use their urine to mark their territory and to notify other cats they have already been there. This typical behavior is known as urine spraying.

Your pets are not spraying in order to make you angry. It is part of cats' natural behavior and is coded in the genes of every cat, no matter if it is domestic or wild.

Urination outside of the cat toilet is not spraying. What makes urination different from spraying is that urination is usually done on flat surface, e.g. a towel, a mat or rug, while spraying is done on vertical surface, e.g. a wall.

Male and female cats both spray urine but it is more common for male. They spray on vertical surfaces, such as walls and furniture.

Why cats spray urine

Urine spraying is a social, sexual and territorial behavior that is typical for male cats. They mark their territory by spraying it with urine. This behavior is caused by hormonal changes and usually starts when cat reaches sexual maturity. Female cats also spray, especially during the mating season.

Spraying can be stopped by neutering. However, some neutered cats continue to spray urine due to the fact they have been neutered after they have reached sexual maturity. By that time, spraying has become a habit for the pet.

Spraying urine is used as a message that given territory belongs to the cat. Cats usually spray as they turn backsides to the object and spray urine usually at the level of other cats' noses. Spraying may also mean the cat is ready to mate.

Spraying as a territorial behavior may occur when you move your pet into a new home or if you have more than one cat in the house. Cats may spray if they are stressed or just to mark an undesirable object or litter.

Occasionally cats may spray items that belong to a certain individual. Cats associate these belongings with bad experiences. Spraying could also mean the pet is angry, stressed or frustrated.

Pets can get stressed by changes in the house, such as your absences from home, changed work schedules that will prevent you from spending enough time with it. Your pet may also spray if you punish it in an inappropriate way or if it has a problem with another pet that accepts as a rival or threat.

Few ideas to stop your cat spraying?

1. The simplest way is to neuter it. This method is effective in 90% of all male neutered cats. However, neutering should be performed before the animal reaches sexual maturity - at the age of 4-6 months.

2. The litter box should be kept tidy and clean. The cat may start spraying if the box is dirty, scented or in a bad location. You shouldn't use scented cleaning agents to wash it.

3. Try reducing the cat's stress by maintaining a routine. Changes can make the pet spray.

4. Give your pet attention and affection. Play, massage, talk to him/her. Happy animals that are not threatened usually don't spray urine.

5. Some cats spray urine near doors and windows where they see other cats. Try to reduce your cat's exposure to other cats, so it doesn't feel threatened by them.

6. You should clean soiled areas very well as cats commonly urinate on places that smell of urine. Avoid using cleaning products that contain ammonia. And keep in mind that your cat can smell many things that you probably can't.

7. If you have many cats in the house, spraying may become very serious problem. Cats spray because of the competition between them. However, if spraying is caused by other reasons that cannot be determined or eliminated, drugs may have to be used to deal with the problem.

8. Hitting or yelling at the cat will not make your pet stop spraying. On the contrary, this will only make the problem worse. You should try to find out why the cat is doing so, not to punish it for doing it.

In case you can not solve the problem yourself, you should consult a vet or a cat behaviorist. There are different herbal remedies and prescription drugs that can be used in such cases is an online website on quality cat furniture. For more details you can see our best selling products in the following category - cat toys.

Neutering of Cats - Advantages and Disadvantages

Many people believe neutering is cruel to cats. The truth, however, is a bit different. Neutering not only prevents the cat from having kitten, but it also keeps the cat healthy.

According to a survey from 1995, about 80% of the cats and dogs in the USA are spayed or neutered.

What does neutering mean?

Neutering is a routine surgery for removal of the cat's sex organs. After this surgery, the cat is unable to reproduce. In addition, the procedure stops the production of sexual hormones which cause the cat's sexual behavior. The decision whether to neuter your cat or not is one of the most important decisions that a cat owner has to take.

What exactly is done during the surgery?

Neuter is a very simple and routine surgery performed in veterinary medicine. The cat should not be feed the night before because anesthesia is performed on an empty stomach. When the procedure is for male cats, it is called castration, while for female cats it is known as spaying.

Castration involves the removal of the gonads, or testicles. This intervention removes the sperm source and the source of testosterone. Under general anesthesia, two small incisions are made in the scrotum's skin and both testicles are removed. In other words, the male cat is castrated.

Female cats undergo spaying which is the removal of the uterus and the ovaries. A small area on the stomach is shaved and a little incision is made. The ovaries and the uterus are removed through this incision. This surgery is equivalent to a full hysterectomy.

When should a cat be neutered?

Most vets recommend the cat undergoes this procedure when it is about six months old, before the car reaches sexual maturity. However, this may vary for the different cats. A common practice in the USA is cats to be neutered while they are very young, and sometimes cats aged eight weeks undergo such surgery.

A pregnant female cat can be neutered, too, but it may be very dangerous for the mother, especially if the procedure is performed in late pregnancy.

How long does the rehabilitation take?

Males cats are usually back to their normal lives on the day after the surgery. Female cats need some more time - about one or two days later they will be healthy.

The advantages of neutering

Most cat owners don't know exactly why they should neuter their cats. Here is a quick list of some of the key reasons.

- Male cat usually develop some undesirable changes in their behavior after their puberty, when they are approximately 6-8 months old. These changes include marking of their territory by spraying urine around the house, or expanding their territory and spraying urine outside and around the house. This is usually one of the reasons for cats being involved in car accidents. You can prevent these changes by neutering your cat.

- Neutering stops the cat spaying in the house. Urine is unsanitary and has a bad odor that can't be removed easy.

- Neutering will remove heat cycles at females. These heats occur several timed every year and cause some behavioral changes such as kneading, howling and restlessness. Also, it will prevent the cat from spraying. Neutering reduces the risk of mammary cancer and eliminates the development of pyometra - a serious infection of the uterine.

- Neutered cats cannot reproduce and will not have unwanted kittens.

- Neutering will make a female cat more attentive and loving. It will also protect her from sexually transmitted infections and some cancers.

- A neutered female cat will not attract males that urinated in her territory to mark her as their property.

- Neutered cats are more affectionate and calmer. They are more interested in their owners and are more social with people. Some statistics show that neutered male cats live longer than male cats that are not neutered.

The disadvantages of neutering

- Neutered cat cannot have kittens. Do not perform this surgery if you want to breed your cat.

- Some neutered cats make gain extra weight after the surgery because they will not use their energy to find mates, as they did before.

Check out all the nice products, that your kitty will love. Our online cat store specializes in items such as cat beds. We also have lots of well designed on cat toys.

Do You Know How to Minimize Cat Shedding?

Shedding is a normal event in every cat's life and cat owners should accept this fact. Through shedding cats replenish their fur and maintain it in a good condition.

Wild cats shed their fur twice a year - in the spring to remove the winter undercoat, and in the autumn to prepare their new coat for the coming winter. Domesticated cats, however, are subjected to artificial winter heating and summer air-conditioning. As a result, their bodies are confused and they shed constantly.
When cats shed they remove dead hair from their bodies. Dead hair should be removed because it may cause skin irritation.

Shedding indicated that the cat is healthy; sick cats do not shed. Shedding depends on the time the cat spends outdoors. It is significantly affected by daylight and can be triggered by a number of hours spent on sunlight. Shedding also depends on the bathing, grooming of the cat and the activities she is involved in.
Cats that live indoors shed at any time of the year. The amount of the shed hair is less than the amount shed by outdoor cats because of the artificial light and the temperature in the house.

Outdoor cats shed two times in the year - in the spring and in the autumn. They usually don't shed at all or shed just limited amounts of hair in the winter because they keep their fur for the cold weather.

Breeds that don't shed or shed a little

There are two cat breeds that shed minimal amounts of hair. One of them is the Cornish Rex that has short curly hair, and the other one is the Devon Rex that has similar coat. Their shedding is usually not noticed, but it doesn't mean they don't shed.

The only cat breed that doesn't shed is the Sphynx. However, these cats are not absolutely hairless. Some people describe the skin of the Sphynx as suede or chamois. This cat breed is very rare and requires special care but is a perfect choice for people with allergies.

Dealing with your cat's shedding

You can control the shedding of your cat with regular brushing and combing. Daily brushing removes loose and dead hair and maintains the cat's hair healthy.

Start brushing your cat slowly and don't continue the sessions too long; stop brushing the cat before she protests. You can use treat to make the brushing sessions more pleasant. As the cat learns to like the brushing you can make these procedures for longer period of times. They will remove dead hair from the cat's body and the cat is less likely to shed in the house.

When combing the cat, do it carefully in the hair growth direction, so that you smooth the coat and remove any knows or tangles in the fur. Longhaired cats should first be brushed with a wide tooth comb and then with a fine tooth comb.

The length of the cat's hair is very important for the good brushing. Short-haired cats, such as Siamese, Burmese and Cornish rex cats, need little brushing. Shorthaired with dense coats like American shorthairs, British shorthairs and Scottish folds need a brushing once a month. Cats with long and flowing coats like Persian cat have to be combed very often and should be bathed once in the week or once in two weeks.

The advantages of combing and brushing are innumerable:

• frequent brush of your cat removes dead and lose hair from the cat's body and she will not shed that much:
• brushing and combing will reduce the presence of hairballs, particularly in the breeds with long coats;
• brushing and combing keep the fur smooth and don't allow mats;
• both activities are a good form of interaction for you and the cat, and are perfect for bonding process;
• They give the opportunity to examine the cat's hair for any potential problems, including parasites and skin conditions.

You can also reduce the cat's shedding by feeding her with healthy food of good quality. The cat food should be balances and should contain all nutrients required by the cat for a healthy skin and fur. In addition, you may use some products that are applied on the cat's hair and can reduce the shedding. They are available is specialized pet stores. Some vitamins produced from fish oils can also be helpful as they provide the cat with omega-3 fatty acids that make the fur stronger. There are some topical sprays that are used by cat owners to change and reduce the shedding.

If shedding continues throughout the year and is significant, the cat may have food or dust allergy. In some cases then the cat becomes sick from excessive hair ball, vets recommend that the cat is shaves three or four times a year. However, you should consult your veterinarian before you do something, because he will tell you what the problem is and how to solve it.

Please visit our cat furniture shop, where you can show how much you love your cat by giving them the gift that they always have wanted like cat and dog beds, gyms, towers, houses and much more.

Is Cat Declawing Really Necessary?

Cat declawing is definitely a thorny issue and deciding whether to do it or not is one of the most important decisions a car owner has to make.

The Truth About Cat Declawing

According to the veterinarian Neil Wolff, declawing is not only unnecessary procedure, but it also inhumane. Declawing is an interference with the cat's nature and people often decide to do it because of their lack of information and incorrect knowledge.

Dr. Nicholas Dodman, who is the author of The Cat Who Cried for Help, and the director of the Animal Behavior Clinic at Tufts University School of Veterinary Medicine, thinks that declawing is the same as mutilation to a tee. He also says that this procedure is used as a model of severe pain for the testing of analgesic medications.

Declawing is a common practice in the USA, but it is not popular in Europe. In fact, this procedure is against the law in many European countries, for example in England, Germany and Switzerland.

The Declawing Surgery

The standard declawing procedure involves the removal of the claws, the cells that are responsible for the claw's growth, and a part of or all of the terminal bone of the toe. This procedure aims to stop the cat from scratching furniture, people or other animals. Declawing can be defined as an amputation and is similar to the removal of the fingers of the human hand at the last knuckle. The manipulation causes significant pain to the cat and the healing process is quite painful, too.

What You Should Know

Cat owners should know that the cat's claws are not toenails as in other animals. Claws are movable digits that are attacked to the muscle in the same way fingers are attached. Cats have very strong ligaments and tendons that extend and retract the claws. If you remove these, the cat will not be able to grasp, walk, run and spring in a proper way. If the end digit and the claw are removes, the sensory and motor nerves are damaged and destroyed. Thus the cat should walk on the stub end of the second digit. People who undergo such procedure usually rest while cats must continue scratching in their litter box, they walk and try jumping, no matter the pain they feel.

How is Declawing Performed?

Declawing can be performed in several different ways but the aim is the same: to completely remove the third phalanx, which is the last bone in the toe, and the claw that is growing from it.

There are some veterinarians who use laser surgery which is considered to be less painful and to cause less bleeding. The procedure uses a laser to cut the tissue by heating it. This means that the bleeding, the pain and the healing time are significantly reduced. However, the cat's toes will still be in bandages and a few weeks will be needed before the cat starts walking normally again. In some cases, cats recover very quickly; this is typical for kittens.

There is another method, called tenectomy, which is becoming very popular. During this procedure, the claw is not amputated but is removed a piece of the tendon that controls the extension of the claws. The result of the surgery is intact claws that are permanently extended. Cats usually are able to use their claws to some extent but they cannot scratch properly. Cats cannot sharpen their claws and they grow excessively, so claws' trimming is required very often.

Alternatives of Declawing

1. Provide a scratching post

The scratching post should be strong enough and tall enough. You can use sisal and corrugated cardboard for the service of the scratching post. The usage of carpet is not recommended as it tears up very easy and the cat may be confused with the carpet on the floor and scratch there instead on the post.

Cats should be praises when they use the post. You can try making it a fun place by putting toy on it or around it. The post should be easily accessible. In case you want to make your cat stop scratching a piece of furniture, place the post in front of it and gradually move it way when the cat begins using it regularly.

2.Train your cat

You should train your cat to scratch on the "right" things. Praise the cat every time she scratches on the post. If the cat scratches on place where she should be doing so, call her by her name, tell her "no" and move her by the scratching post. You can put the cat's front legs on the post and start making scratching motions to show her what she is supposed to do. In addition, you can dangle a toy on the post and the cat will touch the post as she goes for the toy.

3. Trim your cat's claws

You should trim your cat's claws regularly because it is very important for maintenance of the cat's hygiene. This will also reduce the scratches you and your furniture may suffer. If you clip the cat's claws once a week, the destruction of furniture caused by scratching will be reduced to a minimum. It is recommended that the clipping is performed by two people - one to hold the car and the other to clip the claws. Do not use regular scissors. You should use only special cat clippers. Also, remember to clip only the tip of the claw. Be careful about veins that are near the claw's base.

4.Nail Caps

Some years ago, a new product that reduces the damage on furniture has been presented on the market. "Soft Paws"™ (or Soft Claws®) presents plastic nail caps. They are glued to the cat's claws after the claws have been trimmed. The results of using the product are great and there are almost no scratch damages on the furniture. The caps should be replaces every month.

If you really love your cat and care about your cat, you should not declaw her. You can train the cat to not scratch the furniture if you follow the above-mentioned advices. However, a declawing procedure is really painful and unnatural. So, give your cat love and affection, and provide her with a long and happy life without declawing it. is an online website on quality cat furniture. For more details you can see our best selling products in the following category - cat scratching posts.

Apr 6, 2010

Cats and Cold Weather - How to Protect Our Pet From the Cold

Cats don't like cold weather just like people don't like it. When the weather becomes cold you should protect your cat. What you should do it to keep the cat indoors during winter in order to improve the quality of life of your cat.

Problems associated with cold weather. Cat care questions - where to go? Here is one of the answers.

Often people forget to take their cats inside in cold weather because they believe cats are adapted to live outdoors. However, cats prefer the warmth of the indoors just like people do in specially made for them - cat gifts. Leaving a cat outside in the cold for a longer period of time can endanger the pet seriously.

One of the major problems is hypothermia. This is a condition which occurs when the body temperature falls below the normal. Cats can develop hypothermia if they are left in the cold for a long time. Less serious cases of hypothermia may be manifested by shivering, signs of depression, lethargy and weakness. However, if the condition progresses, the cat's muscles may stiffen, the breathing and the heart rates may slow down. The cat may even stop responding to different stimuli. If you notice these symptoms, you should warm your cat as soon as possible and take the animal to a veterinarian.

Another problem that can occur because of cold is frostbite. It can result if the cat is left outdoors for a long time in cold weather. In case of frostbite, remember to never rub frozen tissues because this may cause extra tissue damage. If you can't take your pet to a veterinarian, you should quickly warm the affected areas. You should do this by immersing the areas in warm, but not hot water.

Another way to warm the affected tissues is to put over them warmed moist towels and change them frequently. The warming should be discontinued as soon as the affected areas become flushed. Then you should dry these areas and cover them with a clean and dry bandage. Cat gifts such as cool cat houses a great way to provide you cats with home of their own.

Helpful tips and guidelines

The following advices and guidelines may be helpful to keep your cat healthy, warm and safe during winter.

• You can fortify your cat's coat by providing it with essential fatty acids included in their diet. This will stimulate the growth of thicker coat during the cold months. Fatty acids may be provided with the addition of canola oil, safflower oil, soybean oil, butter and fish oils in the cat's meals.

• You can increase the amount of protein in the cat's food in order to keep its fur thick and healthy. You can also give your cat more food and treats during winter if the cat doesn't have weight problems.

• Provide the cat with vitamins E and B-complex in order to make the tissues stronger. The cat will also become more cold-resistant. However, be careful about the dosage of vitamins because they may cause
medical problems.

• Older or arthritic cats should be provided with addition care because the cold can make their joints very stiff and tender. Make them a thick and soft bed in a warm room and modify their environment to facilitate their movements.

• Prepare a warm place for your cat to sleep, for example a basket or a cardboard box with a warm blanket.

• In case you have to take the cat to the vet, put a hot water bottle in the carrier to keep the animal warm.

• Groom the cat's coat very well because matted fur cannot protect the cat from the cold in a proper way.

Taking care of outdoor cats

Here are some tips that are very useful if you allow your cat to go outside or if the cat lives outside permanently, even if they have cool cat houses.

• You should let your cat outside as the weather starts getting colder. The cat needs to adjust to the cold, to grow thicker coat and to develop a cold-resistance.

• Cats that live outdoors will need more food in the winter.

• Make sure the food and the water of the cat are not frozen. If the water is frozen, the cat may drink from puddles or gutters which may be polluted with various chemicals, for example oil, household cleaners, etc.

• Outdoor cats should have a shelter during winter. Provide them with a house to keep them warm and to protect them from cold weather.

• Do not use newspaper, towels or blankets for the inside of the cat's shelter because they will retain the cold and will become stiff and hard. You should use straw instead.

Thanks for taking this cat care questions seriously, you will can see that is important to you as well.

Please visit our cat furniture shop, where you can show how much you love your cat by giving them the gift that they always have wanted like cat trees, towers, beds and much more.

8 Useful Tips For Feeding Your Cat

Nutrition is essential for the good health and long life of every creature. Cats are not an exception. Young cats are especially pliable to nutritional imbalances and feeding errors. The feeding habits of the cat established after weaning are very important for its future health status. Cat owners should be familiar with the nutritional requirements of their cats.

Cats are carnivorous animals and cannot receive nutrition from the majority of vegetable proteins. Wild cats eat the whole of their preys - muscles, organs, viscera, bones, offal, skin. Thus, they ingest the digested food the prey has eaten. This gives the cat the opportunity to receive nutrition from various sources - meat and vegetable sources.

Cats and dogs have different nutritional requirements - cats need more protein and have greater tolerance for fat.

We cannot mention one particular food that all cats will like. Cat foods can be found in different flavors and textures. When you find the food your cat likes, and if it meets the nutritional requirements, stick to it and don't change it often because frequent changes may make the cat fastidious and may cause digestive problems.

What do cats need?

Cat owners should choose foods that provide all necessary nutrients and promote the good health of their cat. There are foods specially developed for kittens, mature cats, pregnant cats, but all food should contain the following essential nutrients: water, proteins (essential amino acids and nitrogen), essential fatty acids, minerals and vitamins.

Proteins provide energy. They contain amino acids which stimulate the body to rebuild tissues and to perform its functions. Fats are a good source of concentrated energy and unsaturated fatty acids. Minerals regulate the functions in cat's body. Minerals include macro minerals - calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, and micro minerals - copper, manganese, iron, and iodine. Vitamins are involved in many physiological processes and can be divided into two groups: fat-soluble - vitamins A, D, E and K, and water-soluble - thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, folic acid, vitamin B6 and B12.

Types of cat food

There is a variety of cat foods on the market produced by different manufacturers. We can divide cat foods into three main categories:

Dry Food

It contains approximately 6-10% moisture and has an abrasive function, so it cleans the teeth and gums, and keeps them healthy. Dry foods have a long shelf life. Food that contains 34-38% protein and 19-22% fat provides a healthy balance.

Soft - Moist Food

It contains about 23-40% moisture and cat owners prefer it because it is convenient and has a long shelf life. However, soft-moist foods are more expensive than dry foods. You should be careful because soft-moist foods contain a lot of preservatives.

Canned Food

Canned food contains approximately 68-70% moisture and most cats like it most of all other foods. However, it is not recommended to feed your cat with canned food only because it sticks to the cat's teeth and this may lead to dental problems.

You should give your cat small amounts of canned food two times per day and leave some dry food because most cats like eating dry food all day long.

What should you be careful about when you feed your cat?

Cats don't need to eat the whole day long. Do not give your cat more food than your vet has recommended. Distribute the amount of food into two or three meals and give it to the cat throughout the day.

Do not give your cat dog's food because it doesn't have the necessary amounts of protein and amino acids. For the same reason, avoid feeding the cat with vegetarian food. Do not over feed your cat as obesity can cause diseases, pre-mature aging and early death.

Do not give your cat chocolate, alcohol, onions, pork, raw fish, raw eggs and bones.

Consult your vet if your cat refuses to eat more than two days because fasting may be harmful and may cause serious liver problems.

Do not put your cat's food near her litter box. Cats eat far away from the place she eliminates. If you put her food near her litter box, the cat may eliminate away from the litter box.

You shouldn't give your cat hairball remedy around her meal because many hairball remedies and treats contain mineral oil or petroleum jelly which will extract the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K from the intestines.

Reduce the usage of tuna because it contains high levels of mercury.

Tips about feeding your cat

1. Cats that live free in the wild eat grass every day. Domestic cats will also eat grass if they have the opportunity, so cat owners should provide sources of green vegetation for their cats.

2. Milk is a food, not a drink. The only drink that cats use is water. Milk is a good source of calcium and phosphorus which make bones and teeth stronger. It also provides many vitamins and minerals. However, you should keep in mind that many cats cannot digest milk as they grow older.

3. Provide your cat with varied food. You can mix some of the new food with the old for 3-5 days in order to make gradual changes.

4. Cats should be fed in quiet parts of the house where no one will bother them because they feel vulnerable while they eat.

5. If you have more cats, you should provide each of them with a separate food bowl and you shouldn't keep them close to each other while they are eating, because cats compete for their food and feel uncomfortable if they are too close to one another.

6. It is recommended that you don't feed your cat from plastic bowl. Provide ceramic or stainless steel bowls because plastic dishes may give shelter to bacteria. Moreover, some cats may develop allergies to plastic and may get pimples on their chins.

7. Older cats would like you to raise their food and water bowl a few inches off the floor because this will make it easier on their backs and necks.

8. You should observe your pet closely after you give it new food. Any changes in the coat, appetite, weight or mood may indicate a problem. If you have any questions about the dietary plant of you cat, consult your vet for advices.

Check out all the nice products, which your kitty will love. Our online cat store specializes in items such as cat pet feeder, cat beds and condos, houses, trees and towers. We also have lots of well designed cat toys.

Feb 27, 2010

children's toys stuffed cat

On the other side of the world, there is a place North Americans are unfamiliar with: it's called Tiger Island. Tiger Island is home to six Bengal and eight Sumatran tigers. The tigers that live there are not confined to cages (though they are not tame); they are hand raised and enjoy playing, swimming, and wrestling with their handlers everyday. This incredible place, located between The Gold Coast and Brisbane in Australia, offers visitors a one-of a kind and unique tiger experience. If you're ever lucky enough to go down under to visit Tiger Island, you will be able to see tiger presentations (where you will learn all about these amazing animals), have a photo taken with a real tiger, and watch tigers walk through the park with their handlers (where you can both talk to the handlers and pet the tigers). And, as a final souvenir, you can shop in the Bengal Bazaar on Tiger Island, where you can choose multiple stuffed tiger toys to take home.

While most of us will never have the opportunity to visit Tiger Island, we can get the next best thing right here at home: stuffed tiger toys.Stuffed tiger toyscome in all sizes and are ideal plush toys to cuddle and hug.

Stuffed tiger toys also offer parents a rare opportunity to teach their children about these beautiful wild cats. With these plush toys, children can learn that tigers live primarily in parts of Asia (China, India, Indonesia, Nepal) and Far East Russia. They are the largest cat in the world weighing up to 700 pounds. Their patterns of red-orange and black stripes are unique to each cat - no two patterns are ever the same. While we know that cats are not fond of water, tigers love it - in order to keep themselves cool they will often take baths during the hottest parts of the day. In addition, they have webbed feet which makes them powerful swimmers.

While they once roamed freely in great numbers, three of the nine tiger sub-species has become extinct in the last century and experts believe there are as few as 3200 left in the wild. The World Wild Life Fund gives the opportunity to 'adopt' a tiger so that the money donated can go towards education and help to save the species. When an adoption is made, you will receive a package of various tiger goodies including stuffed tiger toys.

Sadly, seeing a tiger in a zoo or wildlife park (or in the wild on television) may eventually become a thing of the past due to their dwindling numbers. Stuffed tiger toys may be the only way we have to remember these majestic cats. Teaching both children and adults about animal conservation and the dangers tigers face in the wild from the human population, is an important part of trying to save them. Whether stuffed tiger toys are part of a plush collection or simply represent an animal you love, they are a fitting tribute to these impressive wild cats.

Shopping Through Online Pet Stores

Caring for an animal has its own kind of special rewards, and unique responsibilities. It has gone way beyond just taking one in the house, and giving it something to eat and a place to sleep. Branches of science are now dedicated to researching and learning about the hows and whys of taking care of them. Different products are also being created and developed every day in answer to the growing demands of pet owners trying to do well by their non-human family members.

Along with the innovations on pet products, these products are also entering a new age, and that is through the online pet store. This is a great step in making the best products available to a larger number of pet owners, all over the world.

Shopping Online

Almost anything that anyone could want can be found online, and even a lot of things that people do not know they even need. There are websites dedicated to selling pet supplies, and websites that sell general merchandise with a category for products for pets.

There are quite a few things that an online pet store can have over a pet store at the mall:

1.Variety in products: an online shop can give access to small manufacturers of quality products that do not have a big distribution capacity. Start-up companies that have great products but little capital for big marketing and promotions will usually try to break into the market this way.

2.Less expensive products: online stores have less expenses for upkeep and operations. In saving money from these expenses, online stores are able to sell the same products at a lower price.

3.Product information: if a customer gets lucky, he will find a store attendant that will tell him more than where what he is looking for is located. Online stores on the other hand will put everything that a buyer might want to learn about the product in their description page, which the customers can browse at their leisure.

4.Internet stores are always open: most website owners make it a requirement that their servers have the most up time.

Minor Adjustments

On the other hand, there are a few things you need to be wary of when buying online, though these can be easily addressed and well worth the other conveniences that they offer:

1.Customers will not get to see the product before hand: a customer can read reviews of the product or ask around if anybody has ever had an experience with them. Choose a store that will give the money back if the product is not as described on the page.

2.Waiting for deliveries: it doesn't take long to have the products delivered to the customer's home, and there are options for the speed in which they will be delivered.

3.Security concerns: paying online can still send some people into panic, but most online stores will have the proper protocols for their customer's protection. Look for their security certificates before buying anything online.

how to upholster car seats

Seats in an automobile may show signs of serious wear and tear long before you are ready to trade in a perfectly good car. It is a relatively simple project to remove the old upholstery and replace it with new fabric that will breathe new life into the interior of your automobile. By following some basic principles you can learn to upholster different fabric on car seats and replace the old fabric with new fabric.

  1. Step 1

    Remove the seats to be reupholstered from the automobile. Check for bolts under the seats that will have to be loosened to remove the seats. Use the tools necessary to remove the seats.

  2. Step 2

    Place the seats on a flat work surface (the ground is fine) and examine them to figure out how the fabric can be removed from the frame of the seat.

  3. Step 3

    Find the staples that most likely attach the fabric to the seat frame and work them loose with the screwdriver and pliers.

  4. Step 4

    Unroll the paper on your work surface and place the old seat fabric on top of the paper. Trace around the old fabric to make a pattern for the new seating fabric. Add in a 1 inch seam allowance to the pattern pieces.

  5. Step 5

    Place the paper pattern on the new fabric and cut out the necessary pieces to recover the seats.

  6. Step 6

    Drape the new fabric over the seats. Turn under the raw edges where they will be visible and begin to staple the new fabric to the auto seats in the same fashion as the old fabric was attached.

  7. Step 7

    Place the seats back in the vehicle and tighten all bolts and hardware completely.

How to Find Wholesale Pet Supplies

    Finding wholesale pet supplies!!!

  1. Step 1

    Using a search engine, type in "Wholesale pet supplies." This will give you a large list - with the most popular and the highest paying advertisers coming in first. This is fine, but be aware that simply because they claim they are wholesale cost, does not mean they are. Have a pen and paper ready to jot down prices for comparison.

  2. Step 2

    Check out several of these sites. Compare prices on identical or similar items. Do your homework, and explore the sites that are not in the top ten on the search engine you used. Sometimes you can fine a real gem that just has not had as many visitors as another site may have had.

  3. Step 3

    When you find the best prices on the items you want, you are ready to place your online order. This is a simple process that is virtually the same as any online purchase you have ever made.

  4. Step 4

    Take the time to explore all your options. Go to your local pet supply company and ask them where they order their items from. This is often a great way to establish your interest and let people know you are looking.

  • Remember, be patient and use diligence while exploring as many different wholesale pet supplies as you have time for. Getting the best price can take time, but a great buy is worth it!
  • Don't be scammed! Only use sites that accept certified online payments.

Feb 19, 2010

All About Dental Disease in Cats

How many of you forget to check the inner recess of your cat's mouth regularly? According to vets in United States and Canada most pet owners don't check regularly. Because of this, most cat dental problems come to the attention of a vet only in advanced stages when symptoms like difficulty in eating becomes obvious. Periodontal and Gingivitis are the two most common diseases that affect cat dental health.

Periodontal Disease

Sooner or later most cats are affected by this disease. Symptoms include bad breadth, inflammation and reddening of gums, receding gums, deposits on the teeth that might be brown or yellow in color, drooling saliva sometimes with traces of blood, difficulty to eat or chew, loss of appetite and weight loss.

Causes for periodontal disease in cats are varied and builds up slowly, starting from the day the teeth came through. Every day plaque gets deposited on the teeth and the amount of plaque that remains on the teeth mostly depends on the diet. While some believe that dry foods will help clean up the teeth, it is not a proven fact.

Over time, the soft plaque will harden to form tartar or calculus which is difficult to remove. Plaque contains bacteria which causes inflammation in the gums. If left unattended, gums will start to recede, loosening the teeth and eventually leads to loss of teeth. Some of the factors that help promote this disease are overcrowding of teeth, retained milk teeth, infection and genetics.

Periodontal disease develops gradually and it can be cured by timely detection and proper treatment. Treatment for mild cases of this disease might be as simple as regular brushing with special toothbrush and toothpaste that your vet might recommend to stop the built up of plaque. In advanced cases, the hardened tartar can be removed only by descaling, which has to be done by a vet under general anesthetic. In very severe cases certain surgical procedures might also be recommended.

Gingivitis - Stomatitus

Gingivitis is a localized inflammation of gums and stomatitus is the general inflammation of the gums in the entire mouth. Both these dental conditions generally occur simultaneously and called as gingivitis-stomatitus. Though this disease is most often acute and sudden, many cats are affected by chronic gingivitis-stomatitus, treatment for which is complicated and very difficult.

Symptoms for this dental disease in cats is similar to the symptoms of the periodontal disease including bad breadth, inflamed and reddened gums, inability to chew or eat comfortably, decreased appetite and weight loss.

Causes for gingivitis-stomatitus include chemical irritation, viral infections and traumatic injury. It can also be caused by existing conditions like diabetes mellitus or chronic renal failure. When periodontal disease is left untreated for long it can develop into gingivitis-stomatitus.

Treatment for gingivitis-stomatitus is complicated and difficult. Chronic condition of this disease is extremely painful. You should consult your vet immediately if your pet exhibits any of the symptoms. Since the causes are numerous diagnoses can be difficult. If the exact causes are known then your vet might recommend a specific treatment. Otherwise, a general treatment regimen will be recommended to control the symptoms which might include antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs like steroids. The only way to prevent and keep your cat dental problems in check is to follow a regular cat dental care routine.

Understanding The Human Bond With Cats

While every cat owner proclaim their love for their furry friends, some just consider cats as their "property" and only some truly consider and treat their feline pets as one of their family. When some people refer to their cats as their "baby", they mean it in the true sense and shower their cats with the same love and attention that they give their children. One can safely say that the human bond with cats can be as precious and strong as any other human bond.

Most assume that cats can be treated as "children" only by a recluse or by women who lead a lonely life. While it is true that such intense human-animal bond is most often symbiotic, one cannot but wonder who gets the most out of such a relationship. The cat definitely thrives on the undivided attention and the "cat mom" on the other hand is ecstatic to be the recipient of such unconditional love by someone. However, it is also true that women who are vibrant and vivacious have proclaimed their undying love for their cats.

If you happen to visit one of the numerous online message boards and forums devoted to cat lovers, you will realize how many people from different walks of life come together to share their knowledge and experiences with cats. They talk about everything regarding their feline friends, from every little new trick that their cat performed to queries about how to treat some known or unknown "symptom" displayed by their cat.

While dogs have been traditionally employed and accepted as therapy and companion animals, cats are also increasingly favored as therapy animals in health care facilities and nursing homes. Patients are delighted when a visitor brings along a cat. The act of petting and pampering a cat helps to reduce the tension and stress in patients. These qualities of cats are gainfully utilized in health care facilities and nursing homes. The same qualities can also work wonders for the rest of us. The value of therapy cats is especially felt in Alzheimer's patients where the feline creatures help to rekindle their forgotten memories. Therapy cats differ from "ordinary" cats in that they have a more serene temperament and a better tolerance level to new surroundings.

The bond between children and cats is unique and should be encouraged as children should be made aware of the importance of loving and respecting all creatures that share their world. If you think that only children and women can bond with cats then think again. Men too find it impossible to resist the comforting kitty charm.

Human bond with cats is more evident in the event when either one in the relationship is devoid of the others company abruptly, either temporarily or permanently. While humans cope with the separation by sharing their grief and talking about the good times spent together, feline creatures express their grief differently. They become lethargic and lose interest in their regular activities. They also lose their appetite and display marked difference in their temperaments.

With so much and more to say, it is quite evident that the human-feline bond is something exclusive that should be appreciated and cherished.

Feb 15, 2010

Ringworm in Cats

Ringworm in cats is the most common skin infection in cats and the name is somewhat misleading. It is not actually caused by a worm; it is caused by a fungal infection. It is also extremely contagious and can very easily be spread to other cats as well as to humans. It is caused by several organisms, but the most common is referred to as Microsporum canis. The spores of these fungi can literally live for years in the right type of environment and can be contagious to your cat the entire time.

Ringworm most typically affects young cats, long haired cats, or cats that have had some type of a previous skin disease. However, if your cat has recently has a very traumatic episode in their life, they are also at risk. If your cat has recently been in a shelter or catteries, they are also at a high degree of risk from two fronts; the stress that this has caused as well as possible exposure to another infected cat.

Where it is found:

Ringworm in cats is generally found on the affected cat or their living quarters. Spores for this fugal infection can be shed from an infected cat and once they are shed, can survive for as long as two years. If the environment is warm and humid, these spores can literally explode in growth. Once they are released into the environment, they can live on branches and plants, as well as your pets bedding. They can also very easily live on your furniture or anything else that an infected cat has come into contact with.

Your cat can very easily become an asymptomatic carrier on this fugal infection. An asymptomatic carrier is defined as a host for an infectious agent who does not show any signs at all that they are infected.

How it is transmitted:

Ringworm infection is transmitted by coming into direct contact with the fungi, and this can include another infected cat or any of their grooming materials. However, it can also very easily be transmitted by coming into contact with the spores themselves. Cats by nature have a natural resistance to these types of infections, but if your cat is not healthy, their system can very easily be overrun. This is why it is the most common skin infection in cats.

Cats that are less than a year old are have not built up their immune system to full capacity and are the most commonly affected of all cats. However, if your cat has an immune suppressed condition from a disease or from too many steroids, they are also at a very high risk. Older cats as well as free roaming cats are also at a higher risk, as well malnourished cats. Long haired cats, especially Persians, are also much more susceptible to this infection. Ringworm in cats affect three parts of your pets body; their head or scalp, their body, as well as their nails.


One of the first symptoms of ringworm will be areas of hair loss that are usually in a circular formation. This loss of hair can range from very mild to quite severe, depending of how serious the ringworm infection is. Once the hair loss starts to occur, you may also see lesions in the center of the hair loss. These lesions will contain pustules and will generally start out very small, but than will start to grow in size. If you see this symptom, it is almost always the result of ringworm.

These lesions may or may not be itchy to your cat, and they are most commonly found on your cats head, ears, or their tail. However, the symptoms will not always be circular in formation. If it is severe enough, it can very rapidly spread across your cats face, lips, chin, or nose. In some cases, it may appear like chin ache in your cat or look like dandruff on your cats skin. If it infects your their nails, it will cause them to become malformed and as a result look very odd.


Treatments for ringworm in cats can be both very frustrating as well as very expensive, especially if you have more than one cat. You will not only have to treat your cat, but the environment as well. In most all cases, your cats immune system will naturally defeat this infection, but it can take several months for this to occur. In the meantime, you must treat your cat or the symptoms will intensify. Some cats, if not treated, can be attacked several times even with a strong immune system.

In healthy, short-haired kittens and cats, the first form of treatments will be with topical creams that contain anti-fungal ingredients. You will also have to treat any underlying health issues, especially nutritional. Most cats will need some type of a vitamin supplement to build and than maintain their immune system to fight this infection.

In the more severe cases of ringworm, a combination of both oral and topical treatments will be used. The lesions may have to be clipped by your veterinarian so the topical cream can reach your cats skin. However, there is one very controversial topic among some veterinarians in treating long haired cats with ringworm.

There is a growing opinion that any long haired cat should be completely shaved in order to successfully treat this infection. If the ringworm infection is severe, your cat may also have to be given lime sulfur dips. These are extremely effective but you may want to get a second opinion as they can temporarily turn the remaining hair coat a yellowish color. There are some alternatives, but they will vary depending on what country that you live in.


Ringworm in cats can range from mild to severe and is the most common skin disease your pet will face. It is extremely contagious and any measure that you take in preventing it is very well spent. If you bring a new kitten into your house and already have a cat or several cats, be extremely careful and take the extra precautions of having them checked first.

If you use a grooming facility, it will not be out of place to ask them how and what they use to sterilize their cleaning equipment. If the answer is anything other than heated or chemically sterilization of the equipment, look for a different groomer. If you do see any of the symptoms, isolate your cat from other cats as quickly as possible and than have them treated.

I am an avid lover of pets and my wife and I have had several pets throughout our years. We are especially fond of dogs, and we have a 12 year old Dalmatian (our 3rd) and a "mutt" that we rescued when someone threw him away to die in a vacant field.

He found us, nearly starved to death, and weighed about 2 pounds.

After severe bouts of mange and severe dehydration, and over 1,000.00 in veterinarian bills, we saved the little guys life, and he is one of the best, if not the best, dogs we have ever had and today is a muscular, fit, and firm 70 pound best friend.

After finishing my MBA, which at middle age was not easy, I decided to keep the research work ethics that I acquired, and devote about two hours each night in understanding the health benefits of supplementation for both humans and pets and how they might strengthen our, as well as our pets, immune system in a pre-emptive approach to health rather than a reactionary approach.

Both of my daughters are avid cat lovers, and asked me to help them with health concerns and challenges with their cats.

I am not a veterinarian nor claim to be, just a lover of pets that loves to research and pass on some knowledge that might be helpful, or at least stimulating to the thought process. Several of the articles that I have written can be found on my website;

Choosing the Right Cat Litter

For some, many different aspects can appeal to one's self in choosing the right cat litter for your feline friend. If this is your first time caring for a cat, walking into the pet aisle where you have never been before at your local grocery store may be a bit overwhelming. A little research before venturing out can go a long way. Not only will it save you time, but knowing the facts before you buy may also save you money!

Some people have the initial reaction of going directly to the cheapest cat litter available. This may be fine for most cats, but are you aware there are some cats that may have an allergic reaction to said pet litter? A pricier alternative would be to purchase a brand consisting of cat litter made up of gray cardboard or paper clusters.

With today's unpredictable economy, buying the all natural or organic cat litter may not be an option. You may be wondering, what else is there to do? If your cat does not have an allergy and you are simply concerned with their hygienic well-being, might I suggest involving a litter scoop into your cat litter box cleaning routine? No, you don't have to stand over your cat, waiting for him or her to finish their business so you can pounce on what they've produced as soon as they leave, but you'd be surprised how utilizing a litter scoop in maintaining your cat's litter box can stretch out how much you are having to spend.

Another suggestion would be to buy in bulk. You may be tempted to buy the smaller sizes since the larger bags can be quite heavy and awkward to carry, but you will wind up paying for it in the end. With almost any item you go to purchase, you will find that the larger the size, the less you are paying per measurement. So buckle on down and remember to bend at the knees!

Kitty Behavior

Sid (Sidi Kitty), our first cat, is at his new home, finally. We had put a tremendous amount of research and thought into our new kitten, especially welcoming him into a home with two dogs. What would our cat's behavior be like? Would he get along with the dogs? That said, the drive home with Sid possessed a bit of trepidation. We had to assure his safety. We weren't sure of any cat behavior problems we might encounter, or how this transition to a dog-only home to a cat and dog home would go.

We kept Sid close in our arms the first week. We did - while gently holding him - slowly begin to introduce him to Lady and Missy, our two dogs. There was mutual interest between Sid and the dogs. I knew in time they would be palls. Specifically we,

1. Did introduce them to each other very slowly. Holding onto both the kitten and the dogs we let them smell each other, begin to touch and be close to each other.

2. We never let them be alone together for at least four weeks. During that time the kitten started to show some interest in playing with the dogs, and it was clear the dogs were tolerant of this so after four weeks we felt it safe to let them be more exposed to each other without our direct involvement, though we watched closely.

3. We did make sure that it was clear where the cat food was kept and water as well as litter box; and that the kitten knew this. Equally, we assured that the dogs did not interfere with the kitten's food or litter box. The kitten knew he had his own space.

4. For the most part the kitten slept on one of us or in bed with us the first few months, but if not he had his bed to sleep in and we assured that the dogs did not or were not aggressive toward the kitty when his guard was down.

After several months, things were going great and our initial concerns were unfounded, and the cat and dogs are becoming best of friends. But In fact, he is playing so well he followed Lady out the doggie door one night. Sid is not an outside cat. We had put up many barriers from Sid accessing the doggie door - but ashe had figured out how to penetrate them Sid got his first taste of a freezing Kansas City night. We found him within a few minutes - looking in the deck door - wanting back in his warm bed and on his kitty heating blanket.

We learned that he was a bit self minded, and may challenge us with some cat behavior problems. It was an issue for month how to keep our indoor cat just that, indoors. He wanted to go outside all of the time so it took a lot of commitment and follow through to assure at all times that the kitty gates were up and working, and that he did not sneak out. That was a large commitment but had to be done. When the kitty gate was down, one of us had to hold the kitten to assure he would not go out the doggie door, or the doggie door had to be shut. It is something to this day that we have to watch as even though he is an indoor cat, naturally he wants to go outside so it is a large commitment that we always have to stay on top of.

After the first few months, and what I knew would happen, just last week Sid went over to Lady and they slept belly-to-belly and paw-to-paw, too cute. I cannot express how much laughter, warmth and love Sid has added to our life!

How to Make Your Cat Lose Weight

If you have a cat which is overweight then it can be really dangerous for its health. The cat may suffer from diseases like arthritis, heart failure, skin problems, diabetes mellitus and other kidney problems. You can find out if your cat is overweight by running you hand against its flank, if you are not able to feel its ribs then most probably it is overweight. You should not make your cat reduce wait immediately as this can be really risky for its health, it is better to consult a vet and then ask for the correct method. Here I would also try to give you tips that will help you in making your kitty lose weight in healthy way.

Firstly consult your vet and ask whether your cat's body demands special food. If it does not require special food then you should keep a watch on what your kitty eats. All the members of family should be aware about the cat's diet and should not feed it the scraps of leftover food. The 10% of calories is more than enough for the meals of your cat.

Secondly take your cat for a checkup every 3 to 4 weeks. Consult the vet for any changes in the meal. Most of the veterinary doctors insist on giving wet meals to cats than dry meals as the wet meals are low in fat, have higher protein to calorie ratio and high fiber content and are also low in fat. Dry food dehydrates the cats body and causes kidney and bladder problems. If your cat is eating less food then the vet may prescribe vitamins to ensure that the cat is having nutrient rich diet. It is important to ask your vet when you switch your cat's routine diet.

The best way to make your kitty lose weight is to provide it ample of space to move, leap, jump, stretch and run. Let them run and move on stairs as it is a good exercise for them. If your cat is not active enough to run and jump itself, it is recommended that you play with kitty using toys and balls etc.

Good diet and proper exercise is necessary to keep your cat in good shape and health. If you follow the above mentioned tips then I am sure your kitty will loose weight easily and will get get into good shape.

Self Cleaning Cat Box

Cats, along with dogs, are some of the most popular pets in the world. People the world over have fallen head over heels in love with our feline friends and many keep cats at home. As a matter of fact, some people even keep more than one or two cats.

Cats may be terrific pets, but in at least one aspect they are somewhat less than desirable - in terms of the waste or litter that they produce. It is often said that cats that are fed cat food produce waste that is less smelly than cats that are fed mostly meat, fish, or leftovers. Whether that is true or not, the truth of the matter is that even cats that are fed cat food still do produce smelly waste, whether solid or liquid. In addition, there is a danger of toxoplasmosis, a parasitic infection that humans can get from coming into contact with the feces of cats that have recently been infected, and which can be very troublesome for those already sick with immune-system diseases or disorders. It is therefore advisable that owners stay as far away from cat feces and waste as they possibly can. A self cleaning cat box can work wonders in this department.

Some people simply put up with it and wear masks whenever they empty out their cats' litter boxes, or spray the areas where these boxes are located with Lysol or other such disinfectants. Others purchase cat litter with special properties; there are some available which clump together, for instance, coating the surface of cat feces and covering it completely so that it does not smell, and solidifying when it comes in contact with cat urine and thus having the same effect. However, there is little need to simply try to endure such methods. Many enterprising companies have come up with their own take on a self cleaning cat box, which can really help ease matters for cat owners.

There are several different brands of automated cat litter boxes available in the marketplace. Many make use of premium cat litter, and owners will have to load their automated litter boxes with new litter as necessary. However, the "dirty work" is all left to the machine. Many models even have ionic air cleaners that kick in before the cleaning initiates, to ensure that no smell escapes the machine. After the air is cleaned and sanitized, a rake-like mechanism sifts through the litter, detecting and removing clumps and moving them to a holding area, leaving only clean litter behind. A waste container opens up to receive the clumps and seals itself once the clumps are in place. The owner only has to dispose of this container after a week or so, or once it is full, and replace it with a fresh container.

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