Feb 15, 2010

Choosing the Right Cat Litter

For some, many different aspects can appeal to one's self in choosing the right cat litter for your feline friend. If this is your first time caring for a cat, walking into the pet aisle where you have never been before at your local grocery store may be a bit overwhelming. A little research before venturing out can go a long way. Not only will it save you time, but knowing the facts before you buy may also save you money!

Some people have the initial reaction of going directly to the cheapest cat litter available. This may be fine for most cats, but are you aware there are some cats that may have an allergic reaction to said pet litter? A pricier alternative would be to purchase a brand consisting of cat litter made up of gray cardboard or paper clusters.

With today's unpredictable economy, buying the all natural or organic cat litter may not be an option. You may be wondering, what else is there to do? If your cat does not have an allergy and you are simply concerned with their hygienic well-being, might I suggest involving a litter scoop into your cat litter box cleaning routine? No, you don't have to stand over your cat, waiting for him or her to finish their business so you can pounce on what they've produced as soon as they leave, but you'd be surprised how utilizing a litter scoop in maintaining your cat's litter box can stretch out how much you are having to spend.

Another suggestion would be to buy in bulk. You may be tempted to buy the smaller sizes since the larger bags can be quite heavy and awkward to carry, but you will wind up paying for it in the end. With almost any item you go to purchase, you will find that the larger the size, the less you are paying per measurement. So buckle on down and remember to bend at the knees!

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