Apr 6, 2010

Cats and Cold Weather - How to Protect Our Pet From the Cold

Cats don't like cold weather just like people don't like it. When the weather becomes cold you should protect your cat. What you should do it to keep the cat indoors during winter in order to improve the quality of life of your cat.

Problems associated with cold weather. Cat care questions - where to go? Here is one of the answers.

Often people forget to take their cats inside in cold weather because they believe cats are adapted to live outdoors. However, cats prefer the warmth of the indoors just like people do in specially made for them - cat gifts. Leaving a cat outside in the cold for a longer period of time can endanger the pet seriously.

One of the major problems is hypothermia. This is a condition which occurs when the body temperature falls below the normal. Cats can develop hypothermia if they are left in the cold for a long time. Less serious cases of hypothermia may be manifested by shivering, signs of depression, lethargy and weakness. However, if the condition progresses, the cat's muscles may stiffen, the breathing and the heart rates may slow down. The cat may even stop responding to different stimuli. If you notice these symptoms, you should warm your cat as soon as possible and take the animal to a veterinarian.

Another problem that can occur because of cold is frostbite. It can result if the cat is left outdoors for a long time in cold weather. In case of frostbite, remember to never rub frozen tissues because this may cause extra tissue damage. If you can't take your pet to a veterinarian, you should quickly warm the affected areas. You should do this by immersing the areas in warm, but not hot water.

Another way to warm the affected tissues is to put over them warmed moist towels and change them frequently. The warming should be discontinued as soon as the affected areas become flushed. Then you should dry these areas and cover them with a clean and dry bandage. Cat gifts such as cool cat houses a great way to provide you cats with home of their own.

Helpful tips and guidelines

The following advices and guidelines may be helpful to keep your cat healthy, warm and safe during winter.

• You can fortify your cat's coat by providing it with essential fatty acids included in their diet. This will stimulate the growth of thicker coat during the cold months. Fatty acids may be provided with the addition of canola oil, safflower oil, soybean oil, butter and fish oils in the cat's meals.

• You can increase the amount of protein in the cat's food in order to keep its fur thick and healthy. You can also give your cat more food and treats during winter if the cat doesn't have weight problems.

• Provide the cat with vitamins E and B-complex in order to make the tissues stronger. The cat will also become more cold-resistant. However, be careful about the dosage of vitamins because they may cause
medical problems.

• Older or arthritic cats should be provided with addition care because the cold can make their joints very stiff and tender. Make them a thick and soft bed in a warm room and modify their environment to facilitate their movements.

• Prepare a warm place for your cat to sleep, for example a basket or a cardboard box with a warm blanket.

• In case you have to take the cat to the vet, put a hot water bottle in the carrier to keep the animal warm.

• Groom the cat's coat very well because matted fur cannot protect the cat from the cold in a proper way.

Taking care of outdoor cats

Here are some tips that are very useful if you allow your cat to go outside or if the cat lives outside permanently, even if they have cool cat houses.

• You should let your cat outside as the weather starts getting colder. The cat needs to adjust to the cold, to grow thicker coat and to develop a cold-resistance.

• Cats that live outdoors will need more food in the winter.

• Make sure the food and the water of the cat are not frozen. If the water is frozen, the cat may drink from puddles or gutters which may be polluted with various chemicals, for example oil, household cleaners, etc.

• Outdoor cats should have a shelter during winter. Provide them with a house to keep them warm and to protect them from cold weather.

• Do not use newspaper, towels or blankets for the inside of the cat's shelter because they will retain the cold and will become stiff and hard. You should use straw instead.

Thanks for taking this cat care questions seriously, you will can see that is important to you as well.

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