Mar 12, 2011

Will A Cat Condo Help Kitty?

71% of Americans work outside of the home. Ever wonder what percentage of them own kitties? The thing is, what do those kitties do all day between the hours of 6:30am and 5:30pm when their adult is away? Is it a giant sleep-fest? Mischief time?

Felines may be domesticated, but they still have deep-rooted instincts. As a cat owner, you may have noticed some traits including possessiveness of food, an interest in stalking, a keen and watchful eye gazing out the window. Ancestors of today's cat roamed wild, lived in packs and hunted for dinner. Today, cats kept as pets are predominantly housed inside a home, live alone, and have their dinner served to them. While the traits necessary for ancestors wouldn't be desired in cats today, the discrepancy suggests that we're not doing all we can for our cats to make them feel comfortable.

Some cat parents are committed to the mental and physical health of their cats. Those persons might spend dedicated play time on the floor, take their cat on frequent walks, or invest in a cat condo or two in order to keep them physically active and mentally alert.

A cat condo is a small piece of furniture made especially for felines. Smaller than the more common cat tree or cat tower, the cat condo provides an entertaining haven for kitties when their parents are away.

Many cat condos are made from plywood and dowels. They're then covered with fabric, carpet, or other finishing material. Some may be painted. Most include specially-designed portions to accommodate the animal's natural urge to scratch using sisal or other natural fiber. A condo might have an enclosure for sleeping and hiding, a set of stairs for climbing or a perch from which to watch for quarry and spring.

Invest in the health of your indoor cat with a cat condo today.

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